Thursday, December 24, 2015

Cox's Bazaar

My two day excursion to Cox's Bazaar ended up being quite the bore. It was relaxing, albeit not too fun. But getting high in the night on a trip and then walking along the beach at 3 AM is definitely new. Nabid and Miraz alongside to accompany me, we walked down the dark sands guided by the chill and our hormonal desires - our fantasies of finding girls at Kolatoli beach driving us onward, but only to realize that we were but alone.

Some of us connected more than others, and this time there were hardly any pictures. I wish I had one extra day... But then again, I have wished for a lot of things. My cold heart doesn't care much for wishes-not-granted anymore... But my cold heart fell in love once again, and the trip brought me and another closer. That's a story that's just beginning, and a story for another day.

I haven't traveled much, but I know that my trip to Jaflong in 2013 is one many people haven't experienced in their lifetimes. I felt special thinking about those few days; unplanned and unwavering, we set out to fulfill our wishes. God blessed us that we did. Maybe I'll write about it soon.

I plan to visit Sri Mongol for a day. What better way to celebrate the winter than a variety of tea? No better way, really.

Rocky, from Cox's Bazaar

Monday, December 21, 2015


"Nature and love brings out the poet in me.
You are both."

- M.M.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


"I ache for Thursdays. On thursdays he does not hang out with his regular friends, he calls me after his class and says “how you feeling?wanna meet?”.Lately this day of the week is magical and when we too meet it is like a new star has sparked across the skies(no kidding!it feels that good.).We walk hand in hand along the streets of Bashundhara, as if we are taking a walk by the side of the sea.I see it in his eyes that he has also lost track of time and space.Then comes the time when he says he has to go,and as much as my heart breaks I let him go with a soft kiss and sometimes a quick hug.These are the only times I long for Dhanmondi, the lake and our long walks in the evenings."

- - -

"This is not the sound of a new man or crispy realization
It's the sound of the unlocking and the lift away
Your love will be
Safe with me"

- Bon Iver

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

2015, My Year Of Music

I promised myself that 2015 would be my year of music. I would try to make or collaborate on as many songs as I could this year, and as it turns out, despite a slow progress with my own bands, I ended up recording all the following songs. I couldn't be much happier with the outcome. Of course I got lucky, thanks to Rakat deciding to make his EP, and Asif deciding to make his. Some tracks below are yet to published, but they've been recorded. Being confined to music scene that barely reaches out to a couple hundred people isn't much to a lot of people. However, I never really made music for widespread acknowledgment. Over the past year, it has been about expressing myself, and pushing my limits lyrically or vocally. Also, being a beginner-level guitar player, it would be wishful thinking to even assume that I would go anywhere with music. Singing and songwriting is a hobby, and thanks to a musical 2015, I can concentrate on other things in 2016.

Cheers to a very merry musical year.

Stay (sang and wrote)
Fall (sang and wrote)
The Gathering (wrote)
Celestia 1 (sang and wrote)
Celestia 3 (sang, wrote, and composed)
Besides (wrote and sang)
Tundra [What if it Snowed?] (sang, wrote, composed)
Revel On (sang, wrote, and composed)

Monday, November 23, 2015


"I'm always awestruck by how a word or a name can bring back a world of pain back into your nervous system. It's a simple suggestion really, misplaced and ready with claws and teeth to make you rip yourself to shreds. A single name reminded me of things I'd wanted to forget. To forgive. To leave behind...."

- Rushnaf Wadud

Saturday, November 21, 2015


I've never been the guy who has had a problem being alone and without friends. Loneliness has been my solitude. Only when I have failed to keep people in my life, have I felt lonely. I don't hang out with friends unless it's after a long day of classes, or it's something worth being productive about. People have warned me to not disappear. People have claimed that they think I might just leave their lives one day without telling them... I don't mind. I believe in long lasting friendships, but I don't believe that we need to stay in one place forever. I've stayed in this city for way too long now, and sometimes it's so frustrating. Sometimes I feel that I am never alone.

But today, when facebook has been blocked, and I am too sick to work or study, and I have no job... I feel a void. No one has called to ask me how I am (and they shouldn't. it's not their business.); the only calls I received were regarding exams and work (just the way I like it); and no one has wondered where I may be (good!). But tonight, awkwardly enough, I feel empty and lonely. Tonight I feel frustrated. Tonight I want someone to tuck me into bed, and lie down next to me.

Anyways, this blog has a better purpose ... It's best I get off.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Bonfire Rooftop ARPM Sessions

The foresight EP was definitely the highlight of the year, and the Bonfire single really reached places. This was filmed by Minhaz Muhammad on a rooftop concert called ARPM Sessions. I should have posted this earlier, but I don't think I posted any of the songs or videos from the EP after it's release. Bonfire initially came out as a single.

Syndicate by Bipul Chettri

Bipul Chettri is one of those artists that make me want to learn another language just to understand his lyrics. His work is so beautiful and inspiring, and you can tell his songwriting is delicate as well. You can tell he's telling stories. After hearing his latest single Syndicate, I searched all over for a translation, and thanks to Youtube, Rakshak Shrestha has translated the song on my request. I cannot thank him enough.

We came across each other today here in the middle of Sydicate
Im standing right besides you but you're busy on your phone
Our sparking youth
I don't know your name, but I dont really care
Your eyes are telling me something
But I'm scared even of the thought of saying something
You're heading for Siligudi while I'm going to Sikkim
Your company has blinded me to the rest of the world and engulfed me in happiness
It would have been so much fun if only you could come with me
So short and strange our meeting, that we're confused if we know each other or not
I guess this is how life is
You've got to go where you've got to go
I feel like you're looking at me time and again
So I look back hoping that you are
All of this really amuses me
I imagine being with you
This twisted rain has drenched me
But still I'm amused by your weird company
The commander's call made everyone get into the bus
How heartless you were to leave me and go away just like that

Friday, October 30, 2015

Asif's second EP

"Well, there's no use denying it. I lent my voice to my long time musical comrade, Asif Hassan's, second EP. The niche indie scene is picking up thanks to these very small artists doing music in their homes and thanks to the availability of internet platforms. The EP was conceptualized, written, and arranged by Asif Hassan, and produced by the super talented Embers In Snow, whose EP I contributed to earlier this year."

Headed in a different direction from Asif's first EP, this focuses on a narrower concept and softer and more comprehensive compositions. There were a few other artists who contributed to the compositions. I was really glad to be a part of the project, seeing as how it turned out, and I consider this to be my best vocal work after Bonfire. 

My favorite track of all is Remember the Summer.

The digital booklet: 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wisdom gone

This bad boy came out yesterday. Having a needle inserted into my hard palate was quite the experience. 

Friday, September 25, 2015


Artwork: Mohua Mouli

I guess this is a track about sex. Fall-back sex. The song turned out really well. Composed by Rakat, and sung by Mohua.

Besides (Single)
Vocals: Mohua Mouli
Composition and Lyrics: Changing Homes
Artwork: Mohua Mouli
we'll walk out
of this room
sometime soon
sometime soon
but not in
in monsoon,
sometime soon
sometime soon
we'll make poetry today
softly quill it on our backs
as the rain taps the glass
windowed in
windowed in
windowed in
beside me
besides it's raining
let it be
hold me back
like you always do
drag me in
sit me down beside you
and you never believe me
we always hold it up
but you always need me
when you're out of luck

windowed in
windowed in
windowed in
beside me

Monday, September 7, 2015

Job complete.

So Indalo's launching turned out great. The booklet was "super" appreciated. People are loving the album, and I received much appreciation for the designs as well. I didn't know that so many people are conscious about graphic design in general. I mean, when people don't see artwork, it's usually not design to most of them.

Anyways, the experience was swell, and the funny part is that last year around this time the first album I art directed was up for grabs [The Crowd's - You're Not Allowed To Say No]. That's really what got me this gig as well. It's rare to come across design jobs that you can actually artistically get involved in. So I was really happy with how things turned out.

The booklet features photography from Kazi Ferdous Pavel, Swami Ma Banyan, and A J Ghani. It also features calligraphy and hand lettering done by SomeArtJunkie. Most importantly, the Indalo Dog which is featured on the merch, and as the CD art was created by Pretty Shitty Art. It was great working with such different material.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Celestia 1

There's light at the end of the funnel
They never tell you the other end might drop you down
If there's a fire been glowin for ages
And the light is a flame that rages on

The human is a statistic
We all think that we can make it
The human is a number
But the human likes to ride the thunder

The tide raises with it all ships
Only if a boat is fit
No one tells you the water's vast
No one tells you, you die out fast

The human is a statistic
We all think that we can make it
The human is a number
But the human likes to ride the thunder

Celestia 3

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Celestia 3

Silence be gone
Silent too long

Some hundred thousand miles
From February,
I'm still holding up my hands to stop
the slipping drops 
of kisses from the head

I've shunned the ground
I've shunned the stars
I drove out far, stung by your words
to get away,
I've lunged in too much from the
negative spaces

Around me.

I'm growing older
but I dream a child's dream

Rays of hope
Celestia was her name
Some goodbyes
Carry you towards new heights
Only look back
If it moves you forward

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Free Writing.


If there's one thing I miss the most,
It's the package.
No, not the shine and glory of all that
plasticity; not the recent rebrand -
The older, paper-packaged cookies,
that you could smell from the outside
delivered right to the nose.
The neatly tucked rims, finely trimmed
The immediate recognition of
the product inside.

I'm sorry if I've objectified.


Holy fuck, what have we been through?
All the problems in the world couldn't keep me away
from opening you.
You're like a packet of cigarettes:
Hazardous to health,
but good drags of self-help,
and dizzying regrets.

You made me lose my flow.


I love surprises.
I didn't look for the toy inside,
Yet when I found you,
You made me forget why
I opened this bag in the first place.
I play now, like a child
wishing it were real
Making things up in my mind,
Creating fiction.

I kind of wanna keep you,
but I am too old for that.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

University of Dhaka Rebranding Concept

It's not the best logo. I could have come up with better options had I given myself more time. Anyways, since the logo got a lot of response I've decided to create some mockups surrounding it. 

Hope you like it.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Embers in Snow - Foresight (cover art)

album art 

Rakat's album got stalled and after the response from Bonfire and considering other feasibility options, he realized it would be better to release an EP for now. I am working on the artwork for the booklet, still, even though the album art has been finished and revealed.

Apart from doing the artwork, I "co-produced"the EP, as credited by the modest Embers in Snow himself. Basically, I supervised the overall sound of the EP, and tried to help Rakat to bring it all together. Apart from that, I sang lead on the songs Fall and Bonfire.

Three of the songs - The Gathering, Fall, and Bonfire - were written by me. I am happy with the output of the EP overall. I can't wait 'till it releases. Here's a secret link to the EP for anyone who wants to listen to it pre-release. If you read my blog, and have come across this, consider yourself lucky.

Anyways, I've posted Bonfire and the lyrics to the song before. Below are the lyrics for The Gathering and Fall. The Gathering uses an excerpt from All of Me, a song written by Raj Saha, for Undeity Grounds - my former band with Raj and Rakat.

The Gathering

the city corners us/into corners
into conversation
we find something we like
we cherish the times
we hold on

we've held on

the past is always better
even when it's not the best
we were kids/back/then

behind the school we gathered
spoke of when the world would end
it was way/back/when

we hold on

we've held on/to stories
and if no one remembers
then we will remember 
for glory

we'll sing songs/to tell tales
they'll sing along
they'll sing along...

"Our hearts entwine
Souls we bind
Together, Live forever" 


I've been up an awful lot
No sleep for nights and workin' hard
It's hardly workin' for me

"Don't gamble" says my religion, man
But every day's a game of chance
And in death I'd like to win

Winter just passed, I'm waiting for the fall
(I was never diligent enough)
Lost a few days to learn life
Winter just passed, I'm waiting for the fall
(I was never intelligent enough)
Never learnt a thing, lost my fights

I've been quite a crazy fuck
And to some I can't make it up
But I need your blessin' Shame on me

Don't look left, I don't look right
Straight out or Just straight up now
Uncertain, Certainly

Winter just passed, I'm waiting for the fall
(I was never diligent enough)
Lost a few days to learn life
Winter just passed, I'm waiting for the fall
(I was never intelligent enough)
Never learnt a thing, lost my fights  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Stay (Mad Koffee theme song)

I am a part of the Mad Koffee team. I haven't contributed in any form of writing unfortunately, but I have worked on the theme song with the team members. And though it's very low fidelity recording, Embers in Snow worked hard on it to make it sound as good as possible. I hope people like it.

Stay (Madkoffee theme song)
Sung by: Tilok and Ayruani
Produced by: Embers in Snow
Written by: Avik Bikram Tripura, Tilok Adnan, Monoshita Ayruani
There are places i would be
However my mind needs to be
In a place where thoughts go all round
I really wish to believe
There are more of me than I can see
Waiting to be found
Wasn't last day the same old choir?
Rushing to slow things down
Singing songs of days in dire
Wishing we found someone sound
These pages won’t fill themselves
So let’s just mark them well
At the end of the day, when we’re far away
We’ll have our words to stay
Beyond the breaching waves
I know there are those who’d say
They’re on their way
To paving new grounds
If there’s no one to walk those streets
How would we cross our paths?
Stories are sometimes incomplete
Without a helping hand
These pages won’t fill themselves
So let’s just mark them well
At the end of the day, when we’re far away
We’ll have our words to stay