Tuesday, December 8, 2020

GUMMO - Sleepers


Ketamine moonshine
Closing in on our eyes
Rivers won't flow tonight
Unaching start now

Blindness gives away
Sounds of horns fade
Our nerves of steel break
Let's forget everything

Night in, Day out
We play out world wars
Our song was a classic
Now we're throwing bombs

Take cover baby
That's enough

No need for sunrise
The sun it bleeds too much blood
Wide awake, We're out of touch
Narrow slumber's here to clutch

Rest is best
Rest is love
Rest in love
Rest in love

Call it truce baby
Fall in love

Friday, August 7, 2020



Tilok Adnan

Monthly magazine arrives

Best issue in a while 

Headline reads, BAGGAGE CLAIMS

A spitting image of me wrinkled,

Not too much,

Like my bed sheet my mom made

In the morning and I moved very little

In my sleep - around the eyes

My lips sealed tight -

An envelope with strong glue seal

Bitter tasting, ready to be sent off

Address not specified -

Lateral horizontal reflection of a smile

Photoshopped with experience

The face draws curiosity 

It sells to know something is wrong 

The public will engage 

Readership still exists in a world of screens

Only the fucking details are left out

For shorter attention spans 

Glossy print, the fresh smell of pages

Novel dramatic imagery for a

Devastating cover story

Read me. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


- Tilok Adnan

He's waiting for the BRTC to move; 
the big, red machine stares -

    "What do you want me to do? 
Men, women, and children
are in a rush to feed me,
they've no clue it slows me down." 

    "Be fed, my friend, 
my big, red heart -
not in comparison to you - 
needs feeding, too.

Your role in the city is quite like mine, 
an empty vehicle whose engine 
pumps to reach the people that need us.

In my case, a person
and without them I feel 
as if I have no function." 

    "You're too naive. 
You're pink and blushed, 
I can hear the sound of your blood rush
I can hear it like monsoon rain, 
it outweighs the buzz of the avenue.

Lovers like you take me for a ride
to forever and more, until they realize 
they've reached the end and
I can't go further.

In this way, love dies." 

    "Are you saying you're exhausted?"


    "Perhaps you're right, but 
what do you know of alleys
and homes, and fresh grass 
and the path by the lake?" 

    "I know they exist. That they are places.
Destinations no one can call their own.
Catacombs of memories over years.

Where are you headed?"

    "Your route is bound. 
You don't see past the city's blocks. 

My heart follows intuition, 
each day it takes a different path." 

    "So why make today's journey long?
Move along, go another way." 

    "Just as you do, my heart knows
that a journey takes time." 

The bus leaves. 
He walks onward. 

Sunday, July 19, 2020


              by Tilok Adnan

Someday we will have to leave the Earth 
    Inhabit another rugged rock pushing


    We will pull it back with populace 

    We will skip alien stones on alien planes 
    Look up at the sky of a different hundred hues
    It is this semblance of an act that will always
                                                           define the you. 

The Bangladeshi Writer

Hi. I am your typical Bangladeshi
and I want to sell my work
so I can leave a mark for my 
countrymen to know that they, too, 

can dream of flourishing outside
their nation, so that they, too, 
know what is bought off the shelves
and what is in me that sells . 

I grew up well-accustomed to your
culture from having watched Star World
but I think I'll side with the majority
and color myself a victim of identity crisis.

Since I live in a third-world nation
it must mean that I have issues accepting my paternal family.
Cross that! This is about going back to my roots!
Why I am the way I am and who I am. 

And while you'll be aroused by my 
introspection into how a man can 
grow up rich in a country where 
the diaspora flock to the city for money

a future for their children with 22
years of struggle or most likely more
just to blend in as a middle-class citizen,
I know nothing of that. I'll paint myself deprived

and I'll tell a story about how I went 
about cleansing myself through a journey
across the tattered beauty of greenery 
that sprawls all the way to my granddad's village.

I'll tell you how the war affected village 
(Because I can't be from Bangladesh if 
I don't mention the horrible war stories,
the despicable crimes of West Pakistan. 

We are quite deprived of all our heritage;
You won't find much of it in textbooks
or on Ekushey TV, if anyone even watches
the channel anymore - I doubt they do) 

made my grandfather into the ardent man
he was and how a love story unfurled 
when he married the girl of his dreams,
albeit the wedding was arranged by family.

And some women - others like me trying
to make a name for themselves - may have
already told you that kind of thing is inherent 
patriarchy and years of oppression in the subcontinent -

Some Monica Ali wannabes, I presume -
I'll choose instead to make it what I like. 
It's part love story. But all is not fair in love
and all is not good that is poor, especially

when my grandfather was the only educated man
and his wealth accumulated from having been so
(, you see, I can't write about the hindus who were
cast out of the country during the 1971 war, 

about how the land my family owns was
pretty much served on a golden spoon 
through some bonds and some government bids 
and a lot of it being a sort of finders-keepers sort of thing.

The backstory on the land would look bad on me 
Plus I am not Hindu. Thank God I belong to a 
Muslim family caught in the struggle 
to preserve my Muslim beliefs, my identity).

My family's struggle came from the uncouth,
disobedient children of my grandparents
with the exception of my father, who followed
in gramp's footsteps. He's a doctor now. 

Anyway, those children obviously threw a fit
when the majority inheritance was passed on to my father
and bearing no ill-intent, my father left his home
giving away what was his, hoping he had a better opportunities

in the city, where he struggled to become the
self-made man that he is. He's sometimes on Channel I
doing live consultation for the general mass who 
call in hoping they don't have to pay for a visit to the doctors. 

My father's struggle in the city is one worth telling,
as he soon climbed the ranks as a surgeon,
fell in love with my mother, the girl of his dreams,
and raised three beautiful children, one of whom is me.

I guess that sums it all up, and if it helps
I could write about how I see my father's struggles
as my nemesis, and how I have always felt closer to him 
thus, suffering from identity issues. Would that sell? 

It's a lie, but it's a different kind of daddy issue. 
Makes for quite the compelling story and 
I see "New York Best-Seller" written in bold transcript. 
I hope you do, too, Mr. Foreign Editor. 

I am here to pave the way for my countrymen, 
Represent them the best I can, keeping intact their dignity
And I am sure that with my charm and eloquence 
they will look up to me for the man that I am. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

I've been living a theorem

I've been living a theorem
by Tilok Adnan

I've been living a lie 
telling other of my
world within a world 

where I am the proud
creator, but not so 
much that you'd find

an ounce of interest 
in me. My imagination
may be vivid, honed 

patterns through reasoning
combine the illogical 
shapes, things, places

to form unimaginable 
escapes and lanes of 
unseen what-nots, secrets 

I've kept and told you
you're no good for, or 
you won't understand

but I say this without
any knowledge of all
that you've seen in 

your travels. I feel 
inferior, inadequate
about how you crouch

over my face to let
me know you've been
there and done that and

honestly I don't care.
because I've always
liked my screens and

my paper, my canvases 
on which I paint 
the world my way 

but even then I am 
overshadowed by masters
who say I need more 

exposure to the world 
and this with time turn
my canvases too white

indiscernible as a result 
of my inability to be
better than them and 

you! Fucking hell, maybe
I'm just a dumpster and 
when you take off my lid

all you'll see are
crumpled paper, acetate 
bags full of them

enough to give you a
smirk and enough for
me to know I am 

trash, waiting to be 
poured clean of all my 
bullshit ideas of grandeur. 

There are no dragons, no
mystic lands, no future
driven dystopia, no lore

only a wasteland large 
with landfills and here 
and there ugly monkeys 

from my past who all
rummage through piles
of used ideas and play

them like a puzzle 
every night trying to 
see what fits what

which fits which, see
sometimes things form
a glitch and sometimes 

fathomable contraptions 
closer to things I have
seen on TV or read in books

hoping that doing this
long enough will lead 
to the discovery of

something nu. some thing
by which to impress, 
inter alia the world, and you.

Friday, July 17, 2020



nowadays, low resolution images
of the younger you stimulate 
a curiosity that probes 
the id in search of an answer 

to why I felt the way 
I did all those years that 
I spent mulling over how
a smile can cause a tree

to branch out further than
the far reaches of my far-flung
arms beckoning for your body
to come collapsing onto mine;

everyone's a pawn who stands
between our brittle bones'
magnetism. Neurons are bulls
set free in the narrow arteries

of the heart of the brain
that wants to know what's 
in it for us and which
fate awaits our arrival.

branches that shot outward 
gave birth to leaves as quick
as they fell until the rapid
process steadied to a calm

and screens grew bigger 
with time, rendering old
images stale, my interest
dwindling to a nut 

that would eventually fall
off, too, leaving me curious
about the roots from which
that tree grew. I know 

you stand at the tip of
the iceberg, and I still scour
below freezing waters where
nothing but blindness grows.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


by Tilok Adnan

this may be a false 
memory: the carpet 
stretched out to the ends
of my playground 

decked with shelves all
around , exotic and forbid-
den toys on them and
couches and sofas and 

chairs from where I jumped
and sat and played heroes
of my own making, are
all in that particular room.

it includes a memory of
you walking toward, and 
out the door only for 
me to follow, only

to be stopped and plucked
from my own terrain so
that you'd be free to
run like my tears 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Gonipur 1989

I was the progeny of two rebellious lovers
Whose rebellion may have ended with their marriage,
And, then, soon after, a baby boy born in early June. 

A young girl turned into a mother for the first time,
For the first time her life divided for her first-born,
Because I mattered to her as she mattered to me.

I was born with the help of a midwife
Whose face I can't recall since that day
But, like many other times, she had done her job well. 

I was the only son of the eldest son of the household
Which, obviously, meant and must mean something,
But to this day it's only meant gawking eyes at the legacy of my father.

I heard that colors were thrown around that evening, 
Vibrant imagery projects itself onto the back of my mind
And I learn that celebration is an idea and not an experience. 


Flight for Embers in Snow
Who are you to decline my views on Who or what I am, what I do? Who cares for what you think of me? It helps to know that you would But maybe you should stop it Break into these walls in my head A ceiling full of doves and gulls A fresco painted with precision This chapel stands wide and tall You're not my kind You saw me fly You're chasing falling feathers Who are you to decrypt my views on Who or what I am, what I do? Who cares for what you've found inside? It helps to know that you could I knew that you would I am not your kind I have taken flight The ground is now below me You are running wild You are chasing feathers Tethered to your false beliefs I only hope that you break free The sun may sink in your part of the world It rises above in mine I send over the moon to your sky Hoping to shed some light You're so uptight You'll use that light To search for falling feathers You're shackled down By the vast profound Things you know are better I am not your kind I have taken flight The ground is now below me You are running wild You are chasing feathers Tethered to your false beliefs I only hope that you break free

Friday, June 26, 2020

Silent Film (Act 2)


Twitching motion
Animated life
Through a polygon

Voices unheard
Actions seen
This - the language

Wide-eyed, spectral
Laughter 'tween
Faces worth seeing

The key's last note
Clap, Thud, Clap
The room goes dark

Memories stay
All the scenes
To dream a dream

Monday, June 22, 2020


by Tilok Adnan

She walks as a woman
More pronounced
Bangles hit her thighs
Those that swerve better
More pronounced

"Tread lightly" isn't in her vocabulary
She jolts along the crooked sidewalks
Where men struggle to jog
Her struggle is the quota she must meet
Preferably through empathy
More often than not, it is
Found in sympathy or annoyance

She is not a beggar
She demands like a woman
More pronounced
She is confident that
This is who she is now

A closer look at his adam's apple, adamant
There is no guilt in wanting livelihood
His face shines through her long hair
She must have inherited his nose from her father
His chest doesn't protrude as much
Only what her bra allows, like a woman
More pronounced

Her genitals a mystery
We assume that it's his
Her rolling eyes in rejection
More pronounced
Than a woman's

Eyeballs moving so far under the lids
Does she not see us when she does that? 
Are we gone for a millisecond?
Or Do we not see her for her?
Do we just see who he is
More pronounced? 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

What Do I Think About Race?

What Do I Think About Race?
by Tilok Adnan

If people are people,
Animals are Animals.
Nature is Nature,
Colors can't be the same?
Colors don't have species
But everyone has a favorite
And I can't decide between two
I like green and black
The juxtaposition is amazing
You can get nuclear or nature
Depending on what comes first
If those colors had life
They would tell you that
It's not a race to see who is better
They would understand that more
green and less black signals
nature, growth, and harmony
But they might talk and say,
    Bring our friends,
    Red, Orange, and Yellow,
    All flora - make it a garden.

How stupid.
Colors can't talk.
We do. We associate
Them to things we know
Are too familiar to us.
I hate the color red.
Red will signal danger.
Red will seek attention.
Red is a pompous brat.
If people had red skin color
I would sure as hell consider
them dangerous, right?
I would hate them, right?
Right? Right? RIGHT?
But people are ... PEOPLE.
They shouldn't be hated
If they are red, or blue, or green.
People are not their colors.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


by Tilok Adnan

Who are you,
    who promises my perilous voyage
    unto a paradise from the
    flesh to the soul
    to the fiery seas and then
    to lands of fruit bearing trees?

Will I meet you there,
    there in the mirth of men
    and women and children
    where we will all be children
    unknown to each other and
    I might ask, "where is my father?"?

Monday, May 25, 2020

The High

The High
by Tilok Adnan

We're on an extravagant high
We'll rush this and look for more
Mountains of our own making
Our facades sculpted by visuals
We're leaders of our own domain
We're etched in the system and
This is our identity:

We're figures who run on dopamine and cortisol
Black mirrors in our pockets and hands and homes

Dark mode on for endless scrolls
Car horns don't phase us
Our mothers' calling don't get through
We're all in it together
Abundant with thoughts
We're on an extravagant high
To each his own

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

To Shaira of Trees

To Shaira of Trees
from Tilok Adnan

I saw a tree -
Rigid at her roots
Strong at the branches -
Who let the wind sway her leaves

With such firm ground
She is benevolent enough
To be let weathered down
Unafraid to lose her crown

I saw a seedling, only 23
Reaching closer each day
To becoming a tree
Adamant that she will be

I feel obliged to let her know
Of trees sturdy and old
And what they have told,
"Growth unfolds when letting go"

Friday, May 15, 2020


by Tilok Adnan

My brain is louder than my speaker
There is no volume control.
Only when the music fades
Or late night baritones begin their shows
Or the transmission is too short in length
To reach the undesired location I reside to
Do I feel that my world is vast, at war, and decaying.

Living, to many, means to make the most in mirth
To see, to travel, to sex, to dance, to revel.
Would they know how to navigate
     the crowded ballroom inside me;
Would they know to leave when their partners have gone?
Would they know if it weren't a dance floor anymore,
Misshapen street views, dark forests, or aquatic depths instead?
Would they know that I live every day
     living with a manic inside my head?

Thursday, May 14, 2020



Tuesday, May 12, 2020


by Tilok Adnan

Your one word replies to my texts
are indications of a demon
let loose from the deepest trench
of the sea beneath our landmass
and soon the earth will tremble
in its wake, forming mountains
so I'll know where to draw the line.

Monday, May 11, 2020


by Tilok Adnan

I like thinking about words
They can be unrelated
But if played with well enough
Everything fits together
Like a dog on a bitch,
Our friends from different niche cliques
Who come together and instantly click

I am thinking today about the words
Guillotine, and Gelatin
And Pelicans,
Melanin, Mexican,
Medicine, Paroxetine 
All irrelevant

But two hydrogen and one oxygen
Can come together to form water
A reaction so elegant
I'd use that to wash
The blood of a beheaded pig
And turn it into an ingredient
By combining the collagen taken
From the fish that are often
Food for wide beaked birds with
Fat throats and this concoction
I'd use for cosmetics
And I'd market it to insecure women
With dark skin so that they can
Look closer to brown North Americans
Who pop pills on a daily basis -
Often for their mental health -
Mood stabilizers and antidepressants
And all of this is a far fetched thought
Far from relevant.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


by Tilok Adnan 

Beautiful blues with golden hues
Cemented shades of grays beneath my feet
Sun above and moon below
The gravity a bit lighter than home
This is home
Pots unattended to organized
Neatly placed side by side
Irony is beautiful
This is home, though
I enjoy the looking at the pots
Trying to find new angles to see them from
Dried up plants withered like my interest for activity
As below so above 
Shaded blacks to pitch black patches 
Grayish blue with dark, dark hues still

Friday, May 8, 2020

Everything is a Color

Everything is a Color
by Tilok Adnan

Everything is a
color if you
think about it
close your eyes
and try to 
touch on the
feeling it creates
when you hear
its name named 
so aptly each
one word and
why not two
and if the
blind have never
seen with eyes
all the colors
we know do
they still feel
a certain way
about these abstract
words and do 
they know black
for what it 
is to us
those who see
and i will
elaborate or try
let me ask 
you what color
you see when
you hear the
word blind and 
tell me it
is not black
tell me it
is not a
feeling you crave.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


by Tilok Adnan

A frosted, sliding door
waits to be slid opened
and in the darkness a shaft
will spotlight the body

Opened, your head in a frenzy
the mind intoxicated for life
a rope wraps at the torso
just tight enough

Your body is heavily tugged
and your windpipe plays
the tug of war
and the wailing will win

One moment
something can exist
for fifty-six or so years
the next, it is rotten

Had it rotted before -
then, had no one noticed -
who is to blame
(because surely the fault is heavy)?

There is no time for mulling
until the cradle is dug
until the funeral is over
the paperwork is collected

The loans are returned
the moving to somewhere new
the charity and prayers are offered
and your new home is home

Then you find the rest of your life
to question who killed who
and the rest of life
to see life change

Some days are darker than others
and some are brighter
radiating newer life
but what has left, remains

At times the tugging recurs
your torso is pulled out of bed
your windpipe breaks through
and the wailing wins.


by Tilok Adnan

The sky is a _________.

Fill in the blank with a cliched metaphor. 
I'm rooting for you. 

I came to the roof for sanity's sake
Because the walls around me
Although the brightest white
Seem darker every other day
White florescence, too, fades

The internet is a curse
A home for spastic brains
If you all know so much
Stop talking about the sky 
Being a womb or
The bloodstain from your period or 
Your mental canvas

About your mother's traditional beliefs
About your womanhood being questioned
About you being a f****t 
About your complaints
About every other thing 


It's okay.
I'll find myself 
My own, secret, metaphor to the sky.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Stubbed [revisited]

by Tilok Adnan

This is a drag;
the thought -
the whiff of billowing
smoke trails
however minute
is a titan that pulls
at my limbs.
I have never felt
so torn; toasted -
roasting myself for
my own habits.

An addict for the small,
fleeting crackles
that remind me of

An addict for being the observer,
observant of my surroundings,
contemplating philosophies
of the every day


Editor: Shaira Afrida Oyshee


By Tilok Adnan

Beyond the lament of men
Beyond the shackles of time
Beyond the inevitable fate of life

Youth is a gift only to those
Who suffer in their old
And age is a myth that is told
A product to be sold

In time you will know
That all men must die
And others must carry
The burden of prior souls

It is useless to be weighed down
Do not tread lightly, let heavy heels fall
May the dust scatter around you
May the rocks shatter beneath

You must break ground
If you will to be freed
Only if you will, you will

Thursday, April 30, 2020


The calls to prayer continue
No one is allowed into the mosques
Prayers are better prayed
the hearts of men
seeking heaven on Earth
and heaven hereafter

Heaven is a bit of food
A bit of love
A little prayer
because out on the streets
the devil must be roaming
feeding on the moans of the hungry

Saturday, April 18, 2020


from memory
what I look like
drawing -

Me. Table.
Pencil. Paper.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


This is a drag;
the thought -
the whiff of billowing
smoke trails
however minute
is a titan that pulls
at my limbs.
I have never felt
so torn; toasted -
roasting myself for
my own habits.

I can barely see the sky
from my balcony's edge
but every little cloud
I blow, I give to the
patch of cyan framed
above between leaning
concrete and bricks.

I give to the heavens.

I burn in the hell fires.

I am a sinner.

I am an addict.

An addict for the small,
fleeting crackles
that remind me of
An addict for being the observer,
observant of my surroundings,
contemplating philosophies
of the every day
The holidays give me none of the above
Only a feeling that these were once there.
It is the perfect time
for redemption
yet, I indulge.
I love
and I regret
This break
leaves me broken.


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Love in the time of Corona

by Tilok Adnan 

Season... Season's end 
A new season begins now
Fear inside of I and you 

Poison... Poison spreads
I have found love over the internet 
I worry for me and for you 

I worry not about our vows
We will see each other when this is done
Soon... Soon uncertain

Season... Season begins 
Hotter for miles on end 
And the sudden rains reach us both

This cannot be social distancing 
It is just distance and our kisses in the wind
Poisoned... Poison blows


by Tilok Adnan

The changing of season
So many poets will dote on it
I needed this, it is selfish
But people are dying

People are separating
Scattering closer to family
Kinder to kin
As lives are spread thin

I am eating spare, I am eating well
I am healthier, nutritious
I don't know how this ends
The beginning is treating me well


by Tilok Adnan

You don't know me
All signs lead to Aries
April and June are
Proposed to be in tune

But you don't know me
And the zodiac is bullshit
We aren't kids anymore
Although the sexual compatibility most definitely
    deserves the high score

We are two individuals
Locked behind two closed doors
Under an astral plane
That falsifies its claims about us being
     the same.

A change in character.

by Tilok Adnan

- This is no joke, this is real
- That must be a joke, that is false

- You take things too far
- I make it clear, and I bring you near

- You are just seeking attention, then
- I am being attended to

- You are so persistent and so wrong to do so
- I am persistent, and rightfully so, too

- You think this is all about you?
- I think you think about me too much

- You are forcing yourself to be someone else
- I am anything but someone else

- Why is it so hard for you to believe me?
- Why is it so hard for you to believe me?

- You are impossible; Enough!
- I am. I am. I am enough.

- Enough of you!
- Enough, in your definition,
  is the person that fits inside your radius
  of who you want me to be. A sudden shift in character
  is not something you expected. You are thinking
  about the repercussions that will be inflicted upon me
  because you are guilty of feeling the need to inflict.
  Can you rid yourself of that guilt? Or should I
  push further to ensure that you do? I am of my own making.
  I am the molder of my mold. I shape my parameters, as you do yours.

- You don't know what you're talking about. It eerily hurts me
   to see you be inflicted upon.
- No, it hurts you to know me. It hurts you to associate.
  The primal need for you to exert a change in your behavior hurts.
  It hurts you to hurt for yourself. It hurts you to hurt me.
  It hurts me. This is no joke.