Saturday, August 18, 2012

Photographs: August 18, 2012 (contd.)

My uncle left town for holidays, and left us to see after his fishes and turtles. The turtles are so awesome. Usually I'm scare of little critters, but I was able to hold them for the first time today without even giving a second thought.

Later on, I went to Dhanmondi Lake Park to practice the guitar with Rushlan. Since Eid isn't far away (either tomorrow or the day after), Dhaka seems empty, and serene. The park was missing it's normal flocks of visitors that usually crowd it up during the afternoon. Though I'm sure that after Seheri it will fill up again, but not as much as it usually does. And taking a stroll back the park to my place was a delight, despite the headache and heat, because it's rare to not have so many people or cars around.

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