Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Photographs: Lights, journeys, and woes

My cousin got married, and marriage in the city means lights. City lights have always fascinated me, especially neon signboards, which don't exist as much anymore in Dhaka. Lights are one reason why I've always wanted to go to Tokyo. Anyways, these may not be neon, but these crappy pictures are nothing compared to the sight of these lights in reality. 

August 24,2012; Shukrabad

August 24, 2012; Shukrabad

August 24, 2012; Shukrabad

August 24, 2012; Shukrabad

August 24, 2012; on the way to the Holud ceremony

August 24, 2012 ; An interesting sign, and my shadow

August 24, 2012; BAF Shaheen Hall

August 27, 2012; A Mrinal Haque creation (I think)

August 27, 2012; Army Golf Club

Of course, weddings are fun. But life changing, too. Mostly for the better. But the end of each celebration reminds us that something is gone and that some things must go.

August 27, 2012; Army Golf Club

August 27, 2012; Army Golf Club

August 27, 2012; Army Golf Club

August 27, 2012; Army Golf Club

Monday, August 20, 2012

Eid greeting from Orfred

A "quickie". Didn't take long to make this. Wanted to use funky, retro colors to give a more western, urban look. Then added the moon and stars in the background to give it some animation, and an Eid vibe. But what it really is is bad designing. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

"To see with eyes..."

Miyazaki is a huge influence on me as far as my appreciation of animation and art goes. I love most of his films, and like most animated films, each film has some valuable lessons to teach. I remembered a really nice quote from Princess Mononoke today. It was, "you must see with eyes unclouded by hate". And throughout the movie the hero, Prince Ahitaka, repeats this a few times.
Lady Eboshi: What exactly are you here for?  
Prince Ashitaka: To see with eyes unclouded by hate. 
Though just a small dialogue, everyone, including me, needs to remind themselves "to see with eyes unclouded by hate". I took a picture from the net, added some type, and made a cover photo for my facebook page.

I deleted the original image on my PC, and had to download the low resolution facebook upload to post it here.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Photographs: August 18, 2012 (contd.)

My uncle left town for holidays, and left us to see after his fishes and turtles. The turtles are so awesome. Usually I'm scare of little critters, but I was able to hold them for the first time today without even giving a second thought.

Later on, I went to Dhanmondi Lake Park to practice the guitar with Rushlan. Since Eid isn't far away (either tomorrow or the day after), Dhaka seems empty, and serene. The park was missing it's normal flocks of visitors that usually crowd it up during the afternoon. Though I'm sure that after Seheri it will fill up again, but not as much as it usually does. And taking a stroll back the park to my place was a delight, despite the headache and heat, because it's rare to not have so many people or cars around.

Photographs: August 18, 2012

"Night's darkness is the bag that bursts with the gold of dawn" 
- Rabindranath Tagore

Having been awake all night, right when I'm about to go to bed, I decide to take pictures of the morning's sunlight, which seeps in to the far corners of the rooms in my home. There was no intention of well-composed photography here; just sunlight - precious sunlight. 

Greenie's Birthday provides practice on Ai

"Happy Birthday Greenie Ma Frand!"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Photographs: August 14, 2012

It started out as a bad day which turned worse. But there are no evident signs in these snaps.