Saturday, May 21, 2016


I've been sick too often and I have a strange feeling it's not going to do much good in the near future. I will try to stop smoking from tomorrow onwards, at least for some time. But hypothetically speaking, if these were numbered days, what would I have learned from the 26 years that I have been blessed with? What would be my advice for a younger version of myself?

1. Never underestimate yourself. Never overestimate yourself. It's good to have doubts, but don't let your doubts act as obstacles.

2. Depression will lead you to believe you are worthless. As hard as it may sound, don't let it lead you on. There will always be people who are better than you, even the one you most love. It doesn't mean you have to put effort into trying to prove yourself to anyone.

3. Faith is as blind as love. It can turn you into an extremist, or it can guide you towards empathy depending on how you choose to let it affect you. Faith is better understood through mistakes. So...

4. Mistakes will help you become a better person. Making a mistake that you knew you might have made isn't a mistake. That's just stupidity. And you'll be stupid on a lot of occasions, which is not a good thing. Try to be least stupid.

5. Focus on what you really want after you turn 18. If you are unsure, get an education in something that you actually want to learn. Don't jump the bandwagon.

6. Mediocrity in work will always be apparent when exposed to minimal knowledge. You want to be an artist, then get to know a hundred other artists. Get to know how they work. Practice as much as you can. Learn through reading, and tutorials. This applies for whatever you want to do.

7. Not wanting to do something means you are lethargic. Forcing yourself to do it long enough means you will eventually form a habit of making that thing a part of your daily routine.. That goes for studies and work.

8. Fall in love. Fall hard. But never expect that it is what this life is about. Life is more than love, and you will know that in time. The moment you believe you can do anything in the name of love, is the moment you start to lose yourself. Losing yourself will only result in losing others.

9. If you must love a lot, never ever expect anything from anyone. You cannot change a person. Each one abides to their own understanding of life. If you must love a lot, never show or tell the person how vulnerable you are.

10. Love your family. Trust me, they're the only ones who will be there at the end of the day, and they're the only ones who you will be afraid to lose as you get older.

11. Bad times will pass provided you appreciate what you have and do everything to make the situation better. Patience will help. Anxiety, not so much.

12. Anger caused by ego will only make you do stupid things. Keep it inside until it subsides. Playing it smart means you act when the time is right.

13. Don't hit women. Women who lie and hurt you are not worth the time. Love 'em or hate 'em, it's best if you can leave 'em.

14. Stay politically updated.

15. Love yourself. Love everything about you. Don't hurt your body on purpose. Try not to smoke or drink or do drugs.

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