Sunday, April 19, 2015

Embers in Snow - Foresight (cover art)

album art 

Rakat's album got stalled and after the response from Bonfire and considering other feasibility options, he realized it would be better to release an EP for now. I am working on the artwork for the booklet, still, even though the album art has been finished and revealed.

Apart from doing the artwork, I "co-produced"the EP, as credited by the modest Embers in Snow himself. Basically, I supervised the overall sound of the EP, and tried to help Rakat to bring it all together. Apart from that, I sang lead on the songs Fall and Bonfire.

Three of the songs - The Gathering, Fall, and Bonfire - were written by me. I am happy with the output of the EP overall. I can't wait 'till it releases. Here's a secret link to the EP for anyone who wants to listen to it pre-release. If you read my blog, and have come across this, consider yourself lucky.

Anyways, I've posted Bonfire and the lyrics to the song before. Below are the lyrics for The Gathering and Fall. The Gathering uses an excerpt from All of Me, a song written by Raj Saha, for Undeity Grounds - my former band with Raj and Rakat.

The Gathering

the city corners us/into corners
into conversation
we find something we like
we cherish the times
we hold on

we've held on

the past is always better
even when it's not the best
we were kids/back/then

behind the school we gathered
spoke of when the world would end
it was way/back/when

we hold on

we've held on/to stories
and if no one remembers
then we will remember 
for glory

we'll sing songs/to tell tales
they'll sing along
they'll sing along...

"Our hearts entwine
Souls we bind
Together, Live forever" 


I've been up an awful lot
No sleep for nights and workin' hard
It's hardly workin' for me

"Don't gamble" says my religion, man
But every day's a game of chance
And in death I'd like to win

Winter just passed, I'm waiting for the fall
(I was never diligent enough)
Lost a few days to learn life
Winter just passed, I'm waiting for the fall
(I was never intelligent enough)
Never learnt a thing, lost my fights

I've been quite a crazy fuck
And to some I can't make it up
But I need your blessin' Shame on me

Don't look left, I don't look right
Straight out or Just straight up now
Uncertain, Certainly

Winter just passed, I'm waiting for the fall
(I was never diligent enough)
Lost a few days to learn life
Winter just passed, I'm waiting for the fall
(I was never intelligent enough)
Never learnt a thing, lost my fights